Nov 11, 2015 | From the Office
Tuesday December 1, 2015 The Quary, Hingham 5:30p -8:30p Free SSWBN Event [Register Now]
Sep 22, 2014 | From the Office
If you missed the breakfast meeting this past Thursday, you missed a powerful and speaker with a radical message. Whitney Johnson’s Seven Steps to Disruption presentation laid out a path to success that inspires you to “jump” to another path once you...
Jul 2, 2014 | From the Office
SWBN recently engaged in an affiliation agreement with the Metro South Chamber of Commerce (MSCC). What does this mean for you? Through this affiliation active members of SSWBN will be able to: Attend and participate in all MSCC programs and events at member cost. ...
May 2, 2014 | From the Office
I spoke to a member recently who recounted what I believe to be a great business story. To grow her client base, she sent an email to ten contacts with whom she had a strong, well-established relationship, letting them know she was looking to grow her client base....
Apr 21, 2014 | From the Office
Do you attend networking events with clear goals in mind about what you want to achieve? Or do you show up hoping for the best? Do you know who you want to meet, how you can help others and what makes networking effective for you? For example, do you have a new...
Feb 26, 2014 | From the Office
At a recent new member orientation, members learned nine ways to make the most of their membership within the first ninety days. They don’t all involve attending events. Take a look at the list below and see what fits your business and your schedule. View a PDF...