Why join SSWBN?
- Develop the relationships you need to start, grow or lead your business or enhance your career
- Establish credibility and trust with professionals south of Boston
- Promote your brand and expand your reach on the South Shore
- Meet mentors, support providers, collaboration and referral partners, friends, and new clients
- Connect to the resources you need to start, grow or lead your business or enhance your career
Benefits and Privileges of SSWBN Membership
Selecting to join the South Shore Women’s Business Network shows that you know the value of investing in your business or career. Established over 25 years ago, SSWBN is made up of hundreds of members and regularly communicates with another 1400 South Shore professionals. We host monthly events and represent a broad cross section of area businesses. Your membership comes with a wealth of benefits and privileges.
Business listing in the On-line Web Directory: Get recognized on the web! Members want to do business with other members!
Monthly Opportunities to Network with Area Professionals:
Member pricing at all Network events: Save when attending Events.
Discounts: and special promotions made available from other member companies expressly to SSWBN members.
Opportunities to Showcase Your Business: New Member and New Company mention in the newsletter, one minute “meet us” introduction at your first meeting after joining, self-introduction opportunity at breakfast meetings. Display your Business Card, Flyers and Brochures at meetings.
Opportunity for Exposure in our On-Line Newsletter: Gain added exposure and establish your credibility in the newsletter by Sharing a Thank You or Achievement, be the “Featured Business of the month” ($50) or submit an article for publication on an educational or timely topic that would benefit SSWBN members (subject to approval).
Opportunity to Lead a Personal or Professional Development Seminar: Create a seminar, workshop or webinar and promote it to the SSWBN membership. SSWBN will promote approved seminars, workshops and webinars to our membership and email list in our regularly scheduled semi-monthly announcement of events distributed to approximately 1,400 people. In addition, SSWBN will post your approved event on our website calendar and on the SSWBN Facebook page. (Hosting the event and all content, copies and other associated costs for the event are the members responsibility)
Opportunity to Host an SSWBN Event: Host one of our monthly after-hours or breakfast events for high company visibility and traffic. Introduce your company to the group with an opportunity to speak at the event for 5 minutes. (Member is expected to provide refreshments and/or arrange for refreshments at after-hours events)
Opportunity for Community Visibility: Expand your company visibility to our community both inside and outside SSWBN by being one of our Quarterly Women’s Issue Sponsors. (See our Sponsorship page. Requires Sponsorship Fee)
Opportunity to serve on SSWBN Teams and/or Board of Directors: Share your knowledge by serving on a team or being elected to the Board of Directors (must be a member for one year and in good standing to serve on the Board).
Build Credibility: Membership in professional associations increases your personal and professional credibility. Be sure to publicize your membership in SSWBN in your promotional materials and on your website.
What Your Investment Costs:
Membership Levels:
Individual/Solopreneur: $99
For professionals and solopreneurs who plan to attend live and online events, promote their business and want to become more involved in the SSWBN community.
Additional Membership: $50**
Can be added to an Individual/Solopreneur in a small business that has 1-2 additional employees
Company: 5-9 Employees ~ $250
For companies that want to promote their business and become a leader in the SSWBN Community.
Company: 10+ Employees ~ $500
For larger companies that are looking for a presence at events with opportunities to promote their business.
~Memberships are non-transferable and for the individual membership-holder only.
**Add an Additional Membership to an Individual/ Solopreneur membership for $50 annually. Current membership must be active and in good standing to add members. Additional member must be from same company.