Rosemarie Lanchester of Everything you Wish For reports that she is delighted and VERY grateful to Nancy O’Keefe ofSimple Small Business Solutions, who introduced her to Nicole Perry, WATD 95.9 FM talk show host for Powerful Women Revealed. As a result Ms. Perry interviewed Rosemarie and aired it twice. “I received four new clients as a result of the interview, and she asked me to be on her One Year Anniversary that aired on June 29th!” said Rosemarie. “I am so honored!”
Rosemarie also acknowledges new member Janet McRae, CPA, of Small Business Assistance, LLC,who happened to have won a complimentary session that Rosemarie donated as a raffle prize at a recent SSWBN event. “We made a nice connection at the recent Pembroke lunch and met again for coffee,” said Rosemarie. “Janet was kind enough to offer me a ticket to a three-day conference, The Wealthy Solopreneur, to be held at the Royal Crown Plaza Hotel in Natick at a price too good to pass up! Thank YOU Janet for your kindness! This is a great opportunity to help us grow!” she said.
“I would also like to thank Kathleen Keegan of Real Estate Rocks, for her kind invitation to her annual Customer Appreciation Party at her lovely home,” said Rosemarie, where she “made a wonderful connection” with Nancy O’Keefe’s husband, who has come to her for sessions to relieve severe pain throughout his body. “He is elated at the progress we have made in just two sessions! Together we determined the root cause of his pain and he told me that he is feeling better than he has felt in decades,” said Rosemarie.
June was a busy month for Stacy Doherty, so she would like to thank Betsy (Donahue) Vella of M. Donahue Associates, Inc., as well as Kim DeGustof DeGust Real Estate “…for supporting Errands Etcetera in a variety of ways. I appreciate that you would invite Errands Etcetera into your homes, as well as to extend the invitation into the homes of your friends, grandmothers and clients to afford me the opportunity to make their lives easier,” said Stacy. “I am truly honored that you think so highly of me!”
So here we are, just beyond the tipping point of summer, and I will say it again: Mix it up a bit with your business connections and don’t miss a single sunny day or balmy night. Get out of the house — get out of the office! Discuss the details at the waterfront oyster bar. Bring a picnic basket and meet at one of the benches at Scituate Light to talk over your plans. Take a SSWBN colleague out in a kayak just for fun. Look around at the rich resources of SSWBN and pick one thing that you wish you could change … and then take that first step toward making that change.
Lynn Feingold, Tavern Wench