Get Help with Your Divorce
Frayed relationships, short tempers, lost jobs, barrage of bad news … all causes of separations and divorces. We have seen it time and time again.
Before you announce to your self, your spouse, your family and your friends that you are contemplating divorce, talk with a counselor, and absolutely talk with a lawyer.
Talk with us. We understand the emotional side, the financial side and the ever-important custody side.
All the rules change, and we keep up with the changes. Your friends and family and the Internet are not lawyers, and thus they are not trained professionals who know how to effectively look after your interests.
Call and talk to us, come in and see us. Give us the time to show you not only the possibilities that you can create out of divorce, but the consequences of not entering into this typically embattled action fully knowledgeable. We promise that you won’t be overwhelmed, do not make the mistake of listening to the wrong people, those not so educated about the law.
Important Note: if you are in an emergency or physically harmful situation with your spouse, do not hesitate to call your local police at 911, or the Domestic Violence Ended Organization (D.O.V.E.) at 617-471-1234, or Then call us when you are in a safe place.
Barry Gordon
Gordon, Mond & Ott
(617) 786-0800