Sell, Buy or Stay Where You Are

Barry Gordon, Gordon Mond & Ott
Unbelievable as it may seem, interest rates have risen — as have prices
Since we all have short, very short memories, let me remind you the rates are still low.
Having represented BUYERS, SELLERS AND LENDERS for more than three decades, what I have learned is:

If the time and the deal are right for you then make the deal:  Remember that this is a place to live it is not a temple or a shrine.  Hopefully it will meet most of your expectations.  It will not meet all of them.  Many things are cosmetic some are serious.  Some are so difficult that they will take your breath away and often the cash in your wallet.

Never buy a house if you are concerned about job stability.  Never buy a house if your marriage is unstable or if your spouse or partner has serious reservations about the house.

Never buy a house because your friends are buying houses.  Buy a good house in a good neighborhood.  The best house in a less desirable neighborhood is not a good thing.

Decide whether a single family home or a condo is best for you.  Don’t forget to determine if you can have pets in your new home, and what kind of pets you might be permitted to have..

Speaking as a lawyer who knows real estate, I want you to talk with us before you enter into an agreement with a real estate agent — whether you are a Seller or a Buyer.

Be prepared to listen to your lawyer and to pay your lawyer to represent you. Hire a thorough home inspector.  Find a respected and knowledgeable lender.

Call me, Barry Gordon. 617-786-0800. email,

Barry Gordon