This is hopefully the start of a money-making venture including seminars, speaking engagements, etc

My Family, My Business and Me

 A book about balance, happiness and saying what you mean.


 Your whole life has involved listening to your parents, your boss, your employees and anyone else who comes into your life.  All those words get tossed around in your brain and you react.  Sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly, sometimes badly, and sometimes in ways that make you think and grow.

If you did what your parents told you to do, your parents told you how good you were.  If you did not, then there was a range of potentially less-than-pleasant reactions.  This process repeated itself throughout your life.

You learned to cope, to react and make your way in each situation — hopefully getting by without too much pain and anger and more happiness than sadness.

You may have seen therapists, shrinks and maybe marital counselors and business coaches.  Once again they discussed coping mechanisms which may have included drugs.

My question is:  did they give you ways to shed your burdens, work through your problems and move forward without repeating past bad behaviors?

Barry Gordon Gordon
Mond & Ott
(617) 786-0800.